Thursday, May 15, 2008

Apple and Raisin Rock Buns

Here is a variation to the basic rock bun recipe i shared with you prior.

250g whole-meal self-raising flour
1 tsp grated lemon rind
150g raisins
1 large green apple, cored and diced.
3 tbsp brown sugar
60g melted butter
2 tbsp oil
1 egg, beaten (size AA)
3 tbsp milk

1. Mix the flour, lemon rind, raisins and apple.
2. Separately, beat sugar, butter, oil, egg and milk together until creamy and pour into the flour mixture. Mix until just combined. Do not over mix.
3. Place heaped table-spoonsfuls of the mixture onto greased baking trays. Bake at 19 degree Celcius for about 20 minutes.

Makes 12 buns

Friday, May 9, 2008

Banana Balls

A great nutritious way to tempt children into eating bananas. And if they already do, they will not be able to wait for you to finish baking.

2 ripe bananas, mashed.
1 tbsp vanilla essence.
1 tbsp honey
2 cups cocoa pops
60g desiccated coconut

1. Combine all the ingredients except desiccated coconut.
2. Form into small balls.
3. Roll in desiccated coconut.
4. Serve in pretty paper cups.