Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Easy Orange Mousse

I often rely on this is a simple, quick fix recipe when there's time constraint. The beauty is that it is sure to tantalise everyone's tastebuds too. Yummy!!    ...from the oven.

1 cup orang juice
2 tablespoons Lemon juice
2/3 cup caster sugar
1 tablespoon gelatine powder
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon orange liqueur
3 egg whites, whipped until stiff

1. Combine orange and lemon in a bowl: add sugar. Leave for 10 mins for the sugar to soften.
2. Sprinkle gelatine over the water, stirring until gelatine has dissolved.
3. Then add to juices, with orange liqueur. Mix well. Refrigerate until it is the consistency of unbeaten egg white.
4. Beat orange and lemon mixture until fluffy and light.
5. Beat egg white until stiff peaks form, using electric beaters.
6. Using a metal spoon, fold the cream and egg whites together.
7. Fold gelatine mixture into egg white mixture.

Spoon into eight individual dessert dishes or wine glasses. The top may be decorated with an orange segment, orange rind and a little whipped cream.
Serves: 8

Try it! We hope that you, your family and friends finds it delicious. Bookmark this site for more about bakers blog, from the oven.

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